The Seed Thief among the Best of 2015

“A poetry-infused whirlwind of Southern Hemisphere mysticism and botanical espionage. An understated triumph.” – Nick Mulgrew on The Seed Thief This past weekend The Sunday Times Book Reviewers choose their Top Reads of the Year. So pleased to be on this list. (And for the chance to recommend some of my own favourites too…)

Seeding the Future

I’ve just been sent this wonderful short film on a community seed banking project in Cape Town by my friends at Seed. It’s an inspiring story of how the art of seed saving and sharing can transform lives. Please share, and visit to see the other wonderful work that they do.

How a blood bank saved some seeds

I’m hoping that this story will have a happy update, because this statistic dates from 2010. But according to Kew, there were only nine Gladiolus aureus plants left in the wild. Nine. They are hanging on for dear life in the wind-blown part of Cape Town’s south peninsula, near where I live. Luckily these beauties […]

Big boost for fynbos protection!

Wonderful news: the WWF just announced that the size of the original Cape Floristic Region Protected Areas (CFRPA) World Heritage Site has been doubled! Read all about it here: Then get thee to Cape Town and go for a walk in the flowers.